Thursday, September 17, 2009

Who is Player 2?

Having older siblings as interested in video games as I was meant that growing up I was always Player 2.

And I hated it.

Player 1 spoke of power, skill and leadership. He's the prime mover, the one everyone looks to for help, and invariably the one who gets the girl. Part of my perception had to do with channeling my 'little brother syndrome' into Player 2, but it also seemed the logical conclusion-- Player 2 had to be inferior in some way, otherwise he'd be Player 1.

Eventually the anger and disdain turned to empathy. Player 2 and I had much in common. Being younger, I usually ended up as the backup, just as Player 2 lives in the shadow of Player 1. But there was a steadfastness there. Player 2 wasn't in it for the glory-- that was Player 1. Player 2's there to make sure the job gets done. For every step Player 1 takes, Player 2 is right behind him. He's the Chewie to Player 1's Han; the Ajax to Player 1's Achilles.

I now identify with Player 2, and given the choice that's who I'll play as. It's almost a badge of honor, that readiness to accept the secondary roll, and I know that in any other Player 2's out there I'll find a kindred spirit.