Monday, October 12, 2009

80's Electro-Lovin'

Recently while driving I had the pleasure of hearing one of La Roux's songs being played on the radio. I called the station, asked about the artist, and within a week have become thoroughly familiar with the album.

La Roux is a two person Electropop band, with Ben Langmaid as synth player/co-writer and Elly Jackson as the singer, co-writer and titular redhead.

Beyond being one of my new favorite artists, La Roux is one of now many channeling 80's chic into the modern era, though Elly Jackson is able to bring in a touch of Molly Ringwald that others cannot.

There's a certain freedom to be ridiculous and theatrical while still taking yourself seriously that hasn't been seen like this since Gary Newman's "Cars".

Along those same lines, Empire of the Sun and MGMT seem to be adapting that sensibility in their own ways; MGMT with their heavy rhythmic synth plus psychadelic videos and Empire of the Sun's... well just watch their music videos and you'll understand. Safe to say their visuals are striking in a Tarsem Singh kind of way.

So what I'd love to see is that same liberality and spunk applied to a video game. What would an FPS with a MGMT soundtrack be like? Or a game with Empire of the Sun's visual sensibilities? It's always important to look outside one's field for inspiration.